Everything You Need To Know About Foreclosure Law

Can You Disprove the Need for Alimony Payments?

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Alimony payments, also known as spousal support or spousal maintenance, are among the most contentious issues in divorce. Even after a judge has issued an order indicating that one spouse should be paying the other alimony, the payments don’t continue indefinitely. There are certain circumstances under which the payment can be stopped. Some of these conditions may even be stated in the order issued by the judge. Here are some factors to know about changes to alimony payments. Read More»

3 Guidelines For Your Business Law Services

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If you’re interested in getting the assistance of a quality attorney, it starts with making sure they have the specialty you’re looking for. In the case of hiring professionals for business litigation services, you’ll need to take the time reach out to professionals that can assist with any kind of case you need. These professionals are integral to keeping your business afloat with excellent legal advice. If you’re thinking about getting the help of business law services professionals, read on and apply these points. Read More»

3 Ways You Need To Prepare For A Divorce

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If you are thinking about divorcing your spouse, it is very important that you prepare yourself ahead of time for the process of the divorce. Even if you have seen others go through it, there are things that you may not fully understand, until you have lived it yourself. Here are some things that you need to prepare for. 1. The Logistics Of It All First of all, you have to plan out how it is all going to happen. Read More»

Starting Out In The Legal Field? 4 Things That Will Help You Avoid Problems With Your Case Files

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When you were in law school, you were busy learning all the rules and memorizing as much case law as your brain would hold. Now that you’ve graduated law school, and you’re working in a real law office, it’s likely that you’re having a hard time remembering anything you learned in law school. That’s okay. It will come back to you once the shock wears off. In the mean time, there are some things you need to know right out of the gate. Read More»

Do I Need A Bankruptcy Attorney?

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If you’re considering filing for bankruptcy, you’re likely wondering if you need to hire a bankruptcy attorney to help you file. While you do not legally require an attorney to file bankruptcy, working with one can greatly help you with the process. What Exactly Does a Bankruptcy Attorney Do? There are two types bankruptcy attorneys: commercial and consumer. A commercial bankruptcy attorney will handle filing the bankruptcy of a business, while a consumer attorney handles the bankruptcy of an individual. Read More»