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What Is A Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

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Losing a loved one is a tragedy, especially when the death is due to the actions of another person. In cases like these, you may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit. The following is some information about wrongful death lawsuits and what you stand to receive if you win. What Is a Wrongful Death? A wrongful death happens when a person dies by the actions of someone else, particularly if there was negligence involved. Read More»

How An Attorney Can Help You Deal With A Stressful Divorce

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Divorce is never an easy thing to stomach. No matter how hard you’ve tried, nothing may work in salvaging your marriage. If you’re at this point, consider hiring a divorce attorney. They can help you resolve this stressful event in the following ways.  Provide an Unbiased Opinion Since you were so close to your spouse during the time you were married, it can be quite hard separating your emotions from logic during a divorce. Read More»

Is Your Green Card Being Denied After Marriage? Talk To An Immigration Lawyer To Get Help

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The internet has helped a large number of people meet the partner of their dreams. It has also helped many settle in America after marriage with a green card. However, if you are having issues with your green card for some reason that threaten your time in this country, contacting an immigration lawyer can help in this situation. Troubles With Green Cards After meeting the person of your dreams online and getting married in America, you thought you were on your way to settling in this great country. Read More»

People With Whom You Can Partner To File A Wrongful Death Suit After The Loss Of Your Parents

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When you’re a teenager, one of the worst things that you can face is the death of a parent. A scenario that is unimaginable for most people, but can tragically occur for others, is the loss of both parents. For example, if both parents were traveling together and were in a fatal car accident, you and your siblings could quickly be left without parents. The decisions that you make in the wake of this loss can impact the rest of your life, and one decision that you might think to make is to pursue legal action against the party that caused the accident. Read More»

Injuries That Are Possible In A Pellet Gun Accident

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Target practice with a pellet gun can be fun, but it’s important to always remember that using this firearm can be dangerous. If you’re using a pellet gun with other people, there’s a risk of someone shooting you by accident. Whether the gun discharges unexpectedly or a person doesn’t take things seriously and aims the pellet gun at you, serious injuries can result. This is especially true of a higher-end pellet gun that can propel its projectiles at a high rate of speed. Read More»

Debts To Include When Filing For Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

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There is a lot of paperwork involved when filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, and this is one of the reasons you need a lawyer to assist you with your case. Every document in your case is important, including the schedules you must fill out for the debts you owe. When you file for Chapter 7 you will be required to list your debts. Here are several things you should know about listing your debts in your Chapter 7 case: Read More»

Why You Should Hire A Probate Attorney

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Losing a loved one is never easy. Everyone is going to be overly emotional. Some people will be angry, some will be weepy, and others will be very withdrawn. You can never be sure how you are going to react or if your mood will change over the next few months. When you have to take care of the deceased’s belongings and finances, things can get even more complicated and emotional. Read More»

Seeking A Favorable Custody Arrangement? Don't Make These Common Mistakes

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One of the most challenging aspects of divorce is figuring out which parent will be the main custodian of your children. Sometimes, getting visitation and custody arrangements can be the biggest point of contention, requiring intervention in court with a judge. With mediation and other forms of legal help, you want to avoid a custody trial if you can. However, if you do end up needing to go to trial to get more time with your children, you need to make sure your case is strong. Read More»

Spouse Been Arrested Out Of State? 4 Steps To Take Now That They're In Police Custody

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If your spouse has been arrested while out of state, you’ll need to act fast. Dealing with the arrest of a spouse can be a traumatic experience. However, there are steps that you’ll need to take to help them through the process. Here are four steps to take now that your spouse is in police custody. Secure Legal Representation If you’re dealing with the arrest of your spouse, the first thing you’ll need to do is secure legal representation. Read More»

Is Assigning Legal Guardianship To A Same-Sex Co-Parent A Good Alternative To Adoption?

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Although society is largely accepting of same-sex relationships, LGBT parents still face many obstacles when it comes to having their parental rights recognized by the government, resulting in numerous custody and child support problems issues. Since adoption isn’t always a feasible option, many couples wonder if assigning guardianship to the parent without the biological connection to the children is the next best thing. It can be, but here are a couple of things you should be aware of. Read More»