Nearly every business enters into a fairly large number of deals over its existence. To protect your company’s rights, though, it’s critical to handle the basic elements of each contract the right way. A business attorney will likely tell you to pay attention to the following 6 aspects of a deal.
1. The Offer
Every contract, written or unwritten, has to include some form of offer. If a bakery shop owner puts out donuts with a certain price per dozen, for example, that’s at least one offer they’re making. Read More»
When a loved one dies without having a will to cover what happens with the estate, it can bring about unique situations for any individual who may normally be considered an heir. In some states, the estate is automatically assignable to specific people, such as a spouse or a child. In any case, you may need the help of a probate attorney. Here is a look at some terms you may need to know in the process. Read More»
Nursing home abuse is more common than anybody would like. The same applies to neglect, and it is often difficult to determine when abuse is happening.
So, what rights does your loved one have in a nursing home? And how can you be sure that your loved one’s rights are respected?
Your Loved One Has the Right to Physical Safety
Your loved one has the right not to be in physical harm or danger. Read More»
If you’re the victim of a truck accident, restoring your life and property can feel overwhelming. From filing a lawsuit to negotiating with insurance adjusters, an experienced truck attorney can ensure that you receive the compensation and care you need.
Here are some of the things to consider when you contact a truck accident lawyer to represent you.
Fault Lines
Most truck accident cases hinge on fault. If the truck operator is completely at fault for the accident, his or her insurers and company are responsible for all the resulting damages. Read More»
That the world is a dangerous place is a sentiment often told to children by their parents or mentors to their peers. With the escalation of world events in recent years, it seems as though this particular saying is not too far off from the truth. The virtues of resilience, patience, and growth are encouraged in the character of many to help overcome challenges that are often out of one’s control. Read More»
When folks talk with probate lawyers about their cases, there are often questions about how much power they may have to force the issue to go to court. The simple answer is that everyone has the legal right to retain probate lawyer services, petition the court for a hearing, and get their moment in front of a judge. How things go from there, however, can be a little more complicated. Let’s look at how a probate attorney would try to address the issue of forcing a case into probate. Read More»
Most people have found themselves in the same situation at one point or another in their lives: being pulled over and ticketed for speeding. It’s not fun, and most people wonder if they should just pay the ticket or if they should fight it in court. In general, there is no one correct answer for every situation. Every ticket is different, and there are different types of speeding tickets, as well as situations that can result in a ticket. Read More»
Getting into a car accident can be life changing if it is really severe and you were extremely injured. If you were able to walk off the scene without being too hurt, then you should consider yourself lucky. If you were on the other spectrum of things though, you may want to sue the other person if they were at fault, but if you were the one at fault then there isn’t much that can be done. Read More»
When parents agree to disagree and part ways, child support will be part of the parting if the children are under the age of 18. Child support is usually based on income with the parent making the most money ordered to pay the obligation. In some cases, the mother is owed something known as back child support that covers her pregnancy. Read on to learn more.
Behind on Child Support Read More»
One of the most challenging times in life may be when you’ve been hurt on the job. This can create a great deal of anxiety for you because of injuries and lost wages. However, you can file for workers’ compensation, and this can allow you to get the financial help you need. There are certain things you’ll need to do to ensure you get the assistance you need.
1. See a medical provider Read More»