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When To Hire A Speeding Ticket Law Firm

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Most people have found themselves in the same situation at one point or another in their lives: being pulled over and ticketed for speeding. It's not fun, and most people wonder if they should just pay the ticket or if they should fight it in court. In general, there is no one correct answer for every situation. Every ticket is different, and there are different types of speeding tickets, as well as situations that can result in a ticket. Moreover, it can sometimes depend on what type of agency wrote the ticket, as to what options might be available, or where/when it can be resolved. Just as with all other levels of government, there are jurisdictional differentiations between various types of law enforcement. For example, a speeding ticket could be issued by a state highway patrol, or a county sheriff, or a city police department. While many of their duties and police powers are essentially analogous, there can be a difference in the circumstances when it comes to a speeding ticket. And, this is where a speeding ticket attorney can play a pivotal role.

And attorney from a speeding ticket law firm can sit down, go over all the pertinent facts of the situation, examine the speeding ticket, and then provide expert legal advice. For example, they might be able to identify a procedural strategy for the traffic court in question. Or, they might be able to suggest a course of action, based on the facts, that could lead to a dismissal of the ticket. Or, they might be able to identify a failure in procedure or other legal requirement on the part of the ticketing officer, that can stand as the basis for a successful defense against the charges. Of course, while it's not always what everyone wants to hear, they might advise that paying the ticket and pleading guilty is the best route, as well.

Speeding tickets usually come in three distinct categories: infraction, misdemeanor, and felony.

Infractions are, by far, the most common type of speeding ticket people receive. This is the type that is considered the least serious (legally speaking) and usually results in a citation with immediate release. Infractions are typically resolved by paying a modest monetary fine. In some jurisdictions there is no infraction class for moving violations, and all speeding tickets are misdemeanors. However, even if this is the case, they usually carry a commensurately low degree of legal consequence as an infraction. Traditional misdemeanor tickets (assuming a lower infraction class exists in the scenario) are more serious scenarios, but can also sometimes result in a simple citation and release. And while misdemeanor speeding tickets can also sometimes be resolved by paying a simple monetary fine, they also carry with them the possibility to more serious fines, as well as potential jail time. The most serious level is that of felony speeding tickets.  In this class of offense, detention and arrest are requisite, and they cannot be resolved by simply paying a modest fine. They traditionally incur serious monetary fines, as well as almost certain jail time. 

Contact a speeding ticket law firm to learn more.
