Getting a DUI charge can come with serious consequences, including possible jail time and the lost of a license. As you hire a DUI attorney to help you with your case, there are many pieces of evidence that will be considered for your defense. One of the main pieces of evidence that can be used in your case is the footage from a mobile vehicle recording system. Also known as sash cams, many police officers use these in their vehicles. Read More»
Having a disability can impact many areas of your life, especially the way you raise your children. As you seek social security disability payments, there are several factors when it comes to supporting your children and getting approved for payments. By breaking down your individual situation and working with a social security lawyer, you can seek the most benefits and understand what types of payments are coming for you and your family. Read More»
The rise of food trucks has given cities many benefits, including quick access to delicious foods at random locations. While the expansion of these trucks gives you more eating options, dining at or near one of these trucks can present different forms of danger. If you’ve been injured through some sort of food truck incident, then there are multiple factors that may impact a personal injury case. If you’re seeking a settlement for any physical or emotional harm, then it’s a good idea to sort out these factors and work with an attorney to build the best case possible. Read More»
Medical malpractice is a complex web of legal guidelines, limitations, and expectations. Since no two cases are ever exactly alike, it can be tough to know for sure if you actually have a case. Doctors, surgeons, and other medical professionals see patients at their most vulnerable, making it vital that they perform their role to the best of their ability. To understand if you’ve been a victim of malpractice, you need to understand the different forms that exist. Read More»
With hundreds of thousands of worker’s compensation applications filed every year, it adds up to a lot of policy benefits being paid. In addition, with such a large number of claims filed, it can be tough to spot the ones that are questionable or falsified. Here are a few tips to help you identify fraudulent claims and protect your business from unnecessary worker’s compensation premium increases.
Educate Your Employees On Worker’s Compensation Policies Read More»