When you start a new business, one thing you are not likely to have is an attorney, at least not one with the potential of going to court. You may have used one to incorporate your new business or other such business legalities, but litigation is an entirely different application of the law. As your business grows, you are likely to need the services of this type of lawyer. The following are just a few examples. Read More»
If you are opening up a restaurant, and you want to be able to serve beer, wine, or hard liquor, you are going to need to apply for a liquor license. Although the liquor license application process varies from one state to the next, and from one type of license to the next, there is a general process or order to how obtaining a liquor license generally works.
File a Notice with a Local Community Board Read More»
For those hurt at work, getting well enough to go on with your life and get back to work is the goal. You can expect your employer’s insurance carrier to provide you with some great benefits to help you achieve that goal, and one of those benefits is medical care. To get your medical care paid for, you must follow the rules of the workers’ comp carrier. Read on to learn more about this process. Read More»
Alimony payments, also known as spousal support or spousal maintenance, are among the most contentious issues in divorce. Even after a judge has issued an order indicating that one spouse should be paying the other alimony, the payments don’t continue indefinitely. There are certain circumstances under which the payment can be stopped. Some of these conditions may even be stated in the order issued by the judge. Here are some factors to know about changes to alimony payments. Read More»
If you’re interested in getting the assistance of a quality attorney, it starts with making sure they have the specialty you’re looking for. In the case of hiring professionals for business litigation services, you’ll need to take the time reach out to professionals that can assist with any kind of case you need. These professionals are integral to keeping your business afloat with excellent legal advice. If you’re thinking about getting the help of business law services professionals, read on and apply these points. Read More»