Three Ways To Combat The "He Said, She Said" Component Of A Work Lawsuit
Dealing with sexual harassment is infuriating and humiliating. Dealing with the denial of these claims can multiply these emotions. If you work in a place where sexual harassment happens regularly and is seen as no big deal, you may feel the need to combat this workplace issue with a lawsuit. Filing a lawsuit brings it to the businesses attention that you are serious about the issues going on at the job. One of the largest issues to combat in a work sexual harassment lawsuit is the "he said, she said" factor. If the other defendant(s) deny the sexual harassment, the case may be more difficult. If you are planning a sexual harassment lawsuit, here is how you can get past the denial factor.
Record at work
If you are dealing with verbal sexual harassment, one of the quickest ways to expose what you are going through is to record things. If you are attempting to expose abuses at work, you are likely to be able to record the ongoings at work. Since there is no expectation of privacy in common areas at your job, it is typically fine to record at work. It is also fine to record if you are exposing abuse. If you want to be sure what kind of recordings are allowed, ask your sexual harassment attorney to give you an overview about what you can record.
Start a journal
One of the best ways to prove even "he said, she said" things is to start a dated journal. If you are experiencing sexual harassment on a regular basis, write in the journal each time an incident occurs. Write down the date, the people involved, and as much detail about the incident as possible. Keep the journal somewhere safe, but accessible so that you can pull it out if an incident happens. If you can, use a diary-like journal that has a lock and key. This means that no one else will be able to access it even if they come across the book.
Look up the history of lawsuits
If there is a history of complaints about harassment, intimidation, or other problems with a company, you may be able to find it by digging in the past legal paperwork of the company. Have your sexual harassment attorney look through the complaints that the business has had. If the business has former or current litigation that may support your claims, you may find your case will be easier to prove.
Contact a firm like Davis George Mook to learn more.